Efficiency North Holdings is a member led and owned consortium of social housing landlords, bringing together EN:Procure Ltd, EN:Able Futures CIC and EN:Able Build, 3 not-for-profit organisations who share our membership's commitment to adding social value and supporting social and economic regeneration in Northern England
EN:Procure is an award-winning collaborative consortium of social housing providers working together in a culture of collaboration, benchmarking best practice and peer knowledge sharing to generate efficiencies in the construction supply chain and provide intelligent procurement solutions for Northern England.
The consortium’s vision is to work together with members to support their priorities and aspirations for their tenants and wider communities and to maximise its positive impact in 4 key areas: Efficiency, Workforce, Communities, and Sustainability. All savings and any surplus made by the consortium are reinvested in local communities through the EN:Able Communities CIO with the aim of creating training and employment opportunities and improving local facilities.
EN:Able Futures is an award-winning, government-registered Flexi-job apprenticeship service ensuring apprentices remain employed for the full duration of their apprenticeship, making it easy for businesses across the Yorkshire & Humber region to take on an apprentice, regardless of how long for, as they are not always able to commit to taking on an apprentice for the full duration of the training programme.
EN:Able Futures is committed to providing the very best apprenticeship opportunities to the young people of the region and the industry.
In addition to EN:Able Futures’ mainstream customer base the company works very closely with YORhub in the delivery of the YORfuture Shared Apprenticeship Service. YORhub are committed to the delivery of employment and skills outcomes as a result of projects procured by the YORhub Frameworks and have a partnership with EN:Able Futures to facilitate high quality training and apprenticeship opportunities for young people across the region.
In 2019 EN:Able Futures established the Humber Construction Skills Hub, an on site classroom to deliver hundreds of training and employment opportunities for people in deprived communities in North Hull.
EN:Able Build is an innovative venture which aims to accelerate the delivery of affordable new-build housing schemes in the region by facilitating the building of projects that might have otherwise been delayed or not developed at all, and bring forward sites with developed infrastructure and serviced plots for self-build customers and SMEs.
Read more about what we've done in our Annual Reports HERE.