EN:Able Communities

External Funding

As a charity we have been successful in several bids to external funding organisations to deliver high quality training and social mobility programmes.

Utilising Funding to Support Communities

We are proud to have been successful in securing a number of bids, worth a total of £1,865,000, from external funding organisations which have enabled us to deliver high-quality training and social mobility programmes across Yorkshire and Humber.

These high-impact programmes have led to over 1,000 people being engaged in a career in construction, with almost 800 of those people taking part in a training programme to get them employment and site ready.

Humber Construction Hub

In early 2019 we were awarded funding from the Department for Education (DfE), managed through the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to provide a construction training facility in the Humber. Managed through our group partner EN:Able Futures CIC, our Humber Construction Hub (HCH) has delivered 1,047 level 1, 2 and 3 qualifications since the funding was awarded and a further 1,438 employability interventions, such as mentoring, work experience, site visits and employability workshops.

Working in partnership with 14 employment and training providers across the Humber region, the HCH has supported 767 learners to become employment and site ready, to date of which 257 have commenced employment. This programme alone has generated more than £9m through our Social Return on Investment calculations meaning for every £1 we have invested, £11.06 worth of social impact has been made.

Find out more about the Humber Construction Hub here.

Construction Skills 4 Life

EN:Able Communities’ CS4L (Construction Skills 4 Life) entry level construction training courses at the Humber Construction Hub ran from November 2021 to May 2022.

The programme was made possible thanks to funding provided by two grants from B&CE through the Mowlem Award and the ESF Community Grants programme. EN:Able Communities were successful in their application for  £20k grant funding from the Humber Learning Consortium ESF fund. 

More info

Pathways Into Construction​

We secured CITB funding through Pathways Into Construction to deliver a Not In Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) programme in West Yorkshire. Delivered by our partners EN:Able Futures CIC, our Construction Skills 4 Life (CS4L) programme worked with learners between 16 and 24 in 2019/2020, progressing them through a comprehensive training and employability programme with practical training and work experience to help move them into sustained employment.