Location: Doncaster
Start date: 4 April 2017
End date:31 May 2017
Grant: £5000
Project: The Project centred around improvements in learning at the Deaf Community Centre used by the Deaf Community Borough- wide. There was an urgent need to have a fully equipped office and up to date teaching and training equipment using the latest technology. We aimed to bring the Deaf Centre up to date for the benefit of its increasing membership of all ages, birth to our OAP Group and to encourage the wider deaf community to join in and learn new skills.
Key Aims: The Project aimed to allow deaf people to be interested in Committee work and gain knowledge in the Society’s organisation and culture.
The attendees are gaining knowledge of using the technical equipment. Eg. Office Printer – Learning to print back to back!
All students are keen to continue with the courses to boost their confidence to cope with modern technology and life.
Efficiency: The Centre provides a wide range of activities for the Deaf Community Boroughwide including the elderly, adults, families and young children, vulnerable deaf people, caring for wheelchair members, members with mental health issues and members with learning difficulties.
By improving these facilities at the Deaf Community Centre and improving deaf people’s skills, they are improving their quality of life, health and wellbeing and equality.
Employment and skills: With support they hope to begin to integrate deaf people into work experience and the hearing world of employment thus forming a link with local businesses and public services – breaking down the barrier.
The deaf training programme gives deaf people the essential qualifications, would make job hunting easier and essential life skills mean a more independent life and for some, the ability to help children with their homework.
Social and Economic Regeneration: The Deaf Society’s aim is to make deaf discrimination and oppression a thing of the past by empowering deaf people in Doncaster to a better lifestyle, understanding health and wellbeing through training courses and for them to look forward to train, learn to become competent and confident for skilled employment opportunities.
Environment and Sustainability: Through a well-run equipped office and training facilities with up to date equipment managed by deaf people, the Society would be able to continue to hire the deaf centre room to Service Providers, Deaf Organisations and local organisations for lectures, presentations and courses for the benefit of deaf people and their families boroughwide. The training delivers high quality information to improve the standard of delivery and increase attendance.
Quotes: “I learned a lot on this course with an excellent deaf tutor communicating through British Sign Language on How to: Understand confidentiality and to register and use passwords, Online Banking, avoid scams/frauds, enjoy games and do jig saws, Face time – Face-book – Twitter – Social media - C. Mary Jones, over 60s 5 session taster courses.
“I was excited about the course because I wanted to learn more and was even happier when it was a deaf tutor and no interpreters. I learnt about the use of passwords, trying to remember all were a problem for me. I learnt how to be safe such as scams and frauds. Felt a lot more confident using computer technology.” - Janet Wigley, over 60s 5 session taster courses.