Josh Hughes - Environment Agency

Apprentice Name: Josh Hughes

Host employer Name: Environment Agency

Trade: Environmental Conservation

Qualification: Level 2 Environmental Conservation (Rivers, Coast, Waterways)

Location: Owston Ferry/Gainsborough

Date started: 30/03/2017

Date completed: Will complete by September 2018  

Previous circumstances prior to starting apprenticeship:

After school Josh went to college and studied Mechanical Engineering. He worked in a nightclub during this time. He then worked in a kitchen and stayed there for about 9 months, but it was ridiculous hours and not sustainable. He then applied for 2 jobs, the apprenticeship with EN:Able Futures and a restaurant. He got offered both and took this apprenticeship as he thought it would be better for his future to gain a qualification.

Brief description of duties:

Josh has been really fortunate and the Environment Agency has put him on a number of courses which he completed successfully.

  • Tree Felling (week long)

  • Strimmer and Hedge Cutting

  • Wood-Chipping and Winching

  • Spraying (Weeds)

  • Manual Handling

  • Water Safety

  • First Aid

On a more day-to-day basis Josh does a lot of mixing of chemicals for weed spraying, calculating how much he will need based on his walking speed, the actual spraying. Chainsawing, cross-cutting, wood-chipping.

He feels he enjoys all of the tasks he does at EA, all are interesting.  

What difference has doing the apprenticeship made to your life?

He has got all new skills and certificates that he can take with him if he needs to i.e. if he moves on to similar work.

He feels that the first year is for figuring it all out and the 2nd year is for getting better at it and showing what you are capable of.

Josh learnt a lot about how to separate work from home and how to bring his most professional side of himself to work to make a good impression.

What are your aims for your future career?

Josh isn’t entirely sure what he would like to do after his apprenticeship. He is looking for opportunities within Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. He has support at home in looking for opportunities and is getting support from EN:Able Futures to help look for apprenticeships and jobs.

The Author

Written by EN:Able Futures