Apprentice Name: Momodou Jatta
Host employer Name: BAM Nuttall
Trade: Groundworks
Qualification: Level 2 General Construction Operations
Location: Wakefield
Date started: 27/07/2015
Date completed: 20/10/2017
Previous circumstances prior to starting apprenticeship:
After leaving school I went to Wakefield college to improve my Maths and English, then I went on to do a Level 1 Construction course, but really wanted to be working on site as I wanted to start a career and get a job.
Brief description of duties:
On site I have been able to help with laying drainage, kerbs and learning lots about Health & Safety.
What difference has doing the apprenticeship made to your life?
The apprenticeship has helped me with my confidence and communicating with different people as well as learning a trade that I will have for the rest of my life.
What are your aims for your future career?
I have always wanted to get a full-time job with a company and do the best I can.
Host Quote:-
‘I understand from our General Foremen that Momodou has settled in well and is well thought of by his peers. His keenness to learn has impressed people on our projects.'
Simon Tanner, Contracts Manager, BAM Nuttall - May 2017
Development Coach Quote:
‘Momodou has always worked hard and strived to achieve his goals even when it’s been a little tough.
He is a hardworking, reliable apprentice who will be an asset to any Groundworks company in the future.’
Following completion of his apprenticeship Momodou gained full time employment with BAM Nuttall.