Efficiency North's webinars & video conferencing, bringing members together to collaborate online
Efficiency North’s quarterly business, people and product updates with the latest news from the consortium - EN:Procure, EN:Able Futures, EN:Able Build and EN:Able Communities charity
EN:Able Communities hosts regional summit to tackle skills gap
99 new council homes for Hull
Solar PV installation complete at EN Sheffield HQ
EN:Able Futures proudly celebrates Harvey Dobson, who has been awarded the Advanced Apprentice of the Year at the East Riding College Awards 2024.
Coaching champion trainees now seeking coachees to develop their inspiration, motivation and self-empowerment
Beyond Housing’s 128-home Hummersea Hills scheme in Loftus shortlisted for Inside Housing’s Development Awards 2024.
Summit addresses skills gap to meet growing requirement for retrofit works
First of 70 new homes on the Whiteleas development in North Wingfield close to completion
Nigel Leighton hands independent board director baton on to EN:Able Communities Chair Ken Taylor
CHIC and EN consult members and suppliers to shape best solution new framework for members’ materials needs.
Leeds conference to gather contractors and learning providers to address challenges to skilled retrofit workforce.
Hull City Council and Caddick Construction start construction of 99 new affordable homes at Dane Park Road