Business In The Community tracker identifies Efficiency North as responsible business leaders

BITC’s Responsible Business Tracker identifies Efficiency North as leaders in Inclusive Growth and Education

Efficiency North completed Business in the Community’s (BITC’s) Responsible Business Tracker for the first time this year and were pleased that our scores in Education and Inclusive Growth established the organisation as leaders both in its benchmarking group and the whole cohort of those who responded. 

Our approach to finding long term solutions to place based needs, such as the Humber Construction Hub, was highly commended and the EN:Able Futures Shared Apprenticeship Service was considered an excellent example of working strategically with other organisations to address long term social and economic needs of communities.  Efficiency North was also commended for excellent leadership in embedding responsible business practices into the supply chain to help create a sustainable workforce and offer economic benefits to smaller businesses.

The tracker is a tool for BITC member organisations to measure their progress against their Responsible Business Map, which was built on the United Nations’ global Sustainable Development Goals.  It offers gap analysis, benchmarking against sector peers and the overall cohort and, through a scoring mechanism, the opportunity for recognition of leading practice, improvement and innovation. Scoring data can be leveraged internally to create traction for change.

Companies who responded to the Business Tracker this year range from multi-national corporations to small, local, public sector organisations.

Efficiency North is now using these results to shape the organisation’s future improvement and how best to influence key stakeholders to have a deeper and wider impact in other areas such as Net Zero Carbon goals.

Chief Executive of Efficiency North, Lee Parkinson, commented, “The Responsible Business Tracker is a very useful tool and a validation of our activities as a small organisation having a big impact developing employment and training opportunities in our members’ communities.  Chief of Corporate Services Jonathan Shaw and I will now work together to develop an Organisational Development Plan aligned to our Beyond 2020 Business Plan, considering the strengths and areas for improvement highlighted in the report and also addressing the emerging challenges posed by the Covid-19 emergency.”

Chief Executive of Business in the Community, Amanda Mackenzie, said, “2020 sees the world united in a struggle. It is time that the private sector came together with a collective response to match it; not just the initial emergency response, but the long-term impacts on our people and our planet. Business in the Community (BITC) is founded on the principle that we are stronger together. The Responsible Business Tracker® means that companies can collaborate to find solutions to the problems which are simply too big to tackle alone. We have never needed that collaboration more.”


The Author

Written by Liz Butcher

Efficiency North group marketing and communications lead.