Efficiency North is supporting Homes at the Heart, a campaign and coalition calling on the government to put social homes at the heart of its plan for social and economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis.
The coronavirus crisis is further highlighting the need for secure, high quality, affordable homes and, for many people, support to live in them. Some of the worst affected by the crisis include low-paid key workers living in homes they can’t afford, rough sleepers, homeless families in temporary accommodation, older people in unsupported homes, and families stuck in overcrowded conditions.
Investing in social housing, in all its forms, will help the country recover from this crisis by boosting the economy, creating jobs and improving people’s lives when our nation needs it most. Without action, we are likely to see many people’s housing situations get much worse in the weeks, months and years ahead, as the economic impacts of the crisis are felt across the country.
Homes at the Heart is calling for a once-in-a-generation investment in social housing.
The campaign is a partnership between Chartered Institute of Housing, Crisis, National Federation of ALMOs, Association of Retained Council Housing and National Housing Federation; along with over 60 supporters from across different sectors – from Carers UK to NatWest.
Lee Parkinson, Chief Executive of Efficiency North commented,“Efficiency North joins the National Housing Federation, Chartered Institute of Housing, National Federation of ALMO’s, the Association of Retained Council Housing and Crisis in supporting the Homes at Heart campaign. We strongly believe that the social housing sector should be at the heart of the recovery from the coronavirus crisis, as a driver of economic and social prosperity. The added economic value that the sector provides is already well understood with its repairs, maintenance, tenant care and new build housing provision contributing greatly to the wider economy. What is not always understood is the huge social prosperity that the sector provides in the provision of its services and future growth plans and, with looming forecasts for massive unemployment as a consequence of Covid we all have a duty to do all that we can to create even more opportunities for training and employment as a direct outcome of our activity in the social housing sector.
Echoing the Prime Minister’s calls to “build, build, build” we also need to “train, train, train” to ensure delivery of the Government's plans and also provide hope and opportunity to our young people.”
For more information on the #HomesAtTheHeart campaign visit: www.housing.org.uk/HomesAtTheHeart.