Efficiency North's growth leads to future career opportunities

7 exciting new career opportunities opening soon

EN’s 2020 Vision set out an ambitious 3-year plan to grow the company by doubling frameworks turnover, expanding operations from procurement into employment, training and housing development and establishing a holding company structure. As we move into the final year of the plan our vision is now in our sights and our collective efforts are converging on the achievement of our goals.

To ensure that we can continue to provide the high levels of service that our members and customers expect whilst we expand our services and offer further, we are investing in our capability and infrastructure, and will be opening up 7 exciting new career opportunities in Sheffield and Newport at the end of April. 

Are you interested in joining the Efficiency North team at this remarkable time in the organisation’s history?

Watch this space for more information.

The Author

Written by Liz Butcher

Efficiency North group marketing and communications lead.