The first residents moved into Together Housing Group’s 106 new, affordable homes scheme on the Beech Hill development in Halifax in June 2022.
Together Housing Group appointed Esh Construction to construct the £16.5m scheme by Direct Selection through EN:Procure’s New Build Framework. The development, part of the Calderdale Together Housing Investment Partnership (CTHIP) to deliver up to 650 affordable homes across Calderdale, will provide a variety of homes, from 2-bedroom to 5-bedroom, all for affordable rent, to meet the needs of the local community.
To clear the way for this development, Together Housing Group used EN:Procure’s Asbestos & Demolition Framework to appoint Rhodar as demolition contractor and The Testing Lab as specialist asbestos consultants to demolish 3 tower blocks between June 2018 and August 2019. The Employer’s agent and designer SDA were also procured through EN:Procure’s Consultancy Framework.