Role and Qualification: Multi Skill (Level 2)
What were you doing prior to starting your apprenticeship? Full time work at a warehouse.
Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship? As I want to have a career when am older and also work and learn at the same time.
Did you receive a tool kit or a clothing allowance - what difference did that make to you? Yes, I did - and a massive one!
Tell us about your experiences so far in your role - What do you enjoy doing? What has been really rewarding? I really enjoy the bricklaying as this is the only trade I’ve really had a go at since being here.
In your apprenticeship, do you see where your career could go? Can you see the career path, has your employer set something out for you for when you complete your apprenticeship? I know what I want to do myself, but as for my employer am not sure if a job is guaranteed at the end. I would prefer if it was as I enjoy working for ENGIE!
Would you recommend an apprenticeship to others? If yes, why? Definitely as it’s a good step in the right direction to having a career.