Social Mobility Fund

More about the funded projects

EN:Able Communities ran The Social Mobility Fund grant scheme to channel £50k funding in to projects that aimed to improve Social Mobility in the communities of Efficiency North's social housing landlord membership across Yorkshire and Humber in 2019/2020.

The 7 projects we backed used the funding grant to help people of all ages from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve their potential through training and employment programmes.  Some also undertook other activities, such as improving community assets or facilitating access to a service in a traditionally deprived area.

The Social Mobility Fund followed the Community Investment Fund, which ran from 2015 to 2018.

The Conservation Volunteers

TVC's Hollybush Better Futures project works with a wide range of people, many of whom feel they have limited exployment opportunities. Through their work TVC looks to boost confidence and provide transferable skills and experience to enchance their volunteers future job chances.

You can read more about their work in their report here!

Rural Arts Yorkshire

With their funding, Rural Arts Yorkshire ran Makerchange - a 6-month long programme designed to upskill and train a cohort of learners in both art and business practices. Over the period, they helped 10 learners gain skills and confidence; and you can find out a little more about the project in the video below or in their report here.

Bright Box Maker Space

Bright Box's Community Youth Board worked together over a difficult lockdown to produce a community pizza oven with the funding they recieved, with the young people involved managing the project from start to finish! If you want to find out a little more, take a look at their journey in the video below, or read more in their report here.
Watch the progress of this project in 2023 here - https://youtu.be/DdSLdMh5SNQ 

The Conservation Volunteers success stories 

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